Series 1000 – Community/Board Operation
- Automatic External Defibrillators (01/07/2021) reviewed by BOE 09/05/2024
- Deadly Weapons and Firearms(09/16/2021) reviewed by BOE 09/05/2024
- Green Cleaning (09/16/2021) reviewed by BOE 10/03/2024
- Non-Discrimination (11/07/2024)
- Pesticide Application on School Property (11/17/2011) reviewed by BOE 10/03/2024
- Prohibition Against Smoking (12/16/2021) reviewed by BOE 11/07/2024
- School Safety and Security (01/07/2021) reviewed by BOE 10/03/2024
- Sexual Offenders on School Property (01/07/2021)
- Use of School Facilities (09/16/2021) reviewed by BOE 11/07/2024
- Visitors and Observations in Schools (09/16/2021)reviewed by BOE 11/07/2024
- Volunteers (09/16/2021) reviwed by BOE 11/07/2024
Series 2000 – Administration
- Holds on the Destruction of Electronic and Paper Records (Litigation) (09/16/2021) reviewed by BOE 11/07/2024
- Retention of Electronic Records and Information (02/01/2024)
- Uniform Treatment of Recruiters (01/07/2021) reviewed by BOE 11/07/2024
Series 3000 – Business
- Board Budget Process and Line Item Transfers (10/17/2024)
- Code of Conduct for Federal Procurements (01/07/2021) reviewed by BOE 12/19/2024
- Disposal of Obsolete or Surplus Equipment/Materials (01/17/2013) reviewed by BOE 12/19/2024
- Gifts, Grants and Bequests to the District (01/06/2012) reviewed by BOE 12/19/2024
- Purchasing (12/21/2023)
- School Activity Funds (01/07/2021)
- Individuals with Disabilities Act Fiscal Compliance (01/07/2021) reviewed by BOE 12/19/2024
4000 Series – Personnel
- Abuse or Neglect of Adults with an Intellectual Disability (01/07/2021)
- Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug-Free Workplace (12/16/2021)
- Athletic Coaches Evaluation and Termination (01/07/2021)
- Bloodborne Pathogens (01/07/2021)
- Child Abuse, Neglect and Sexual Assault Reporting (12/21/2023) and Appendices
- Code of Ethics (01/07/2021)
- Concussion Training for Athletic Coaches (01/07/2021)
- Emergency Action Plan for Athletic Events (04/20/2023)
- Employee Use of the District’s Computer Systems (02/01/2024)
- Employment and Student Teacher Checks (11/07/2024)
- Exertional Heat Illness Awareness (04/20/2023)
- Family & Medical Leave (11/07/2024)
- Hiring of Certified Staff (12/06/2012)
- Hiring of Non-Certified Staff (12/06/2012)
- Non-Discrimination Personnel (11/07/2024)
- Psychotropic Drugs (01/07/2021)
- Section 504: ADA (11/07/2024)
- Social Media (11/07/2024)
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness for Intramural and Interscholastic Athletics (01/07/2021)
- Title IX Sex Discrimination and Harassment and Administrative Regulations (09/05/2024)
Series 5000 – Students
- Administration of Student Medications in the Schools (11/07/2024)
- Admission to the Public School At or Before Age 5 (11/07/2024)
- Attendance, Truancy and Chronic Absenteeism (11/07/2024)
- Bullying and Safe School Climate (06/15/2023)
- Chemical Health for Student Athletes (12/16/2021)
- Child Sexual Abuse and Assault Response Policy and Reporting (01/07/2021)
- Drug and Alcohol Use by Students (12/16/2021)
- Education Stability Procedures (10/20/2022)
- Field Trips (01/07/2021)
- Food Allergies, Glycogen Storage Disease, and/or Diabetes (04/20/2023)
- Fundraising Activities (01/07/2021, regs revised 02/01/2024)
- Health Assessments: Screenings (09/16/2021)
- Homeless Children and Youth (11/07/2024)
- Immunizations – Administrative Regulations (09/16/2021)
- Meal Charging (10/20/2022)
- Non-Discrimination (Students) (11/07/2024)
- Pledge of Allegiance (10/04/2012)
- Recess and Play-Based Learning (12/21/2023)
- Restraint and Seclusion (01/07/2021)
- Search and Seizure (01/07/2021)
- Section 504: ADA (11/07/2024)
- Student Discipline (11/07/2024)
- Student Dress (09/16/2021)
- Student Privacy (PPRA) (09/16/2021)
- Student Records (FERPA) (11/07/2024)
- Student Use of the District’s Computer Systems (11/07/2024)
- Suicide Prevention and Intervention (11/07/2024)
- Sunscreen Application in School (01/07/2021)
- Title IX Sex Discrimination and Harassment (11/07/2024)
- Transportation (09/16/2021)
- Use of Private Technology Devices by Students (11/07/2024)
- Wellness (12/16/2021)
Series 6000 – Instruction
- Curricular Exemptions (10/20/2022)
- Equitable Identification of Gifted and Talented Students (02/01/2024)
- Homework (01/07/2021)
- IDEA– Alternative Assessments (01/07/2021)
- Parent and Family Engagement (Title I) (01/07/2021)
- Parental Access to Instructional Materials (12/21/2023)
- Parent-Teacher Communication (10/20/2022)
- Promotion and Retention (01/07/2021)
- Service Animals/Therapy Dog (01/07/2021)
Series 9000 – Bylaws of the Board of Education
- Formulation, Adoption, Amendment or Deletions of Bylaws (12/16/2021)
- Formulation, Adoptions, Amendment or Deletions of Policies (12/16/2021)
- Formulations, Adoption, Amendment of Deletion of Administrative Regulations (12/16/2021)
- Code of Conduct for Board Members (12/16/2021)
- Committees (12/16/2021)
- Conflict of Interest (10/16/2021)
- Construction and Posting of Agenda (11/02/2023)
- Filling Vacancies on the Board (12/16/2021)
- Meeting Conduct (10/20/2022)
- Minutes (10/20/2022)
- Oath of Office (12/16/2021)
- Officers (12/16/2021)
- Official Duties – Chairperson (12/16/2021)
- Official Duties – Secretary (12/16/2021)
- Official Duties – Vice Chairperson (12/16/2021)
- Public Meetings and Executive Session (12/16/2021)
- Quorum and Voting Procedures (10/20/2022)
- Reimbursement of Board Members Expenses (12/16/2021)
- Removal of Board Officers (10/20/2022)
- Role of Board and Members (12/16/2021)
- Suspension of Policies, Bylaws, or Administrative Regulations (12/16/2021)
- Time, Place and Notice of Meetings (01/19/2023)
- Transaction of Business (12/16/2021)
- Accessing Public Benefits or Insurance Under the Individuals with Disabilities Act
- Connecticut Paid Sick Leave Law
- Consent to Access Public Benefits or Insurance to Pay for Services Under the Individuals with Disabilities Act
- Education Stability – Transportation
- Epi Pen Refusal Form
- Federal FERPA Notification
- Federal Section 504 Rights
- Notice of Parents Rights to Special Education
- Statement Regarding Student Attendance