Any communication sent to any member of the Board may be shared with the superintendent and could become a public record.
Jane M. Urban, Chair
Term Ends: 11/04/2025
Kimberly L. Kouatly, Vice-Chair
Term Ends: 11/04/2025
Chonte Fields, Secretary
Term Ends: 11/04/2025
Amanda L. Cantrell
Term Ends: 11/02/2027
Jennifer Leszczynski
Term Ends: 11/02/2027
Kurt Love
To Fill Vacancy; terms ends with next municipal election November 2025
Alfred W. Maccarone Jr
Term Ends: 11/02/2027
Board Subcommittees
- Curriculum and Educational Optimization (Amanda Cantrell, Jennifer Leszczynski, Al Maccarone)
- Facilities, Finance and Operations (Chonte Fields, Kim Kouatly, Kurt Love)
- Policy (All Members)
All officer appointments are for a term of two years. If there is an officer resignation, the Board will appoint another member to fulfill the remaining term. The Chairperson of the Board of Education is an ex-officio member of all board subcommittees.
Agendas & Minutes E-Mailed to:
BOE Members; School and District Administrators; Town Clerk, First Selectman, Selectman’s secretary; town webmaster; Board of Finance; AEA co-presidents; MEUI president and area representative, and any other persons that have requested receipt of these materials.
If you wish to receive electronic copies of the Board’s agendas and/or minutes, please send an email to Jen Truax requesting that you be added to our mailing list
The Ashford Board of Education encourages and welcomes your interest and participation!